Professor Xia He Tao
Our Scientist -  

About Professor Hetao Xia medical facility is based at Guang JiHospital, Beijing. Our R&D Department is based at Beijing Institute of External Fixation Technology, PR China. Staff include the following leading Doctors and research scientists. There are 2 Professors, 6 medical doctors and 20 full time nurses in the hospital. There are English and Japanese speaking staff in the hospital to facilitate overseas patients.

Clinical Trial

Professor Hetao Xia, Director, Institute of Beijing External Skeletal Fixation Technology and Guang Ji Hospital.

Clinical Trial
Patient case report Professor Xia began his orthopedic practice in 1972, and since 1987 has devoted himself to external skeletal fixation, Ilizarov technique’s theory research, clinical application and innovation. He has invented a series of external fixation instruments for trauma, deformity correction and limb lengthening, he has achieved a great deal in the management of difficult and complicated orthopedic conditions. External Fixator
In 2003 , Professor Xia established the first private hospital in PR China specialized in limb lengthening and height increasing techniques. He has successfully performed limb lengthening for more than 1,500 cases for people form all over the world and China.
External Fixation Technology
website in Chinese language  

Prof. Xia has published over 60 papers and contributed chapters to 6 professional orthopedic books. He has several Chinese national patents and many awards such as Scientific and technical progress award in Beijing and the best paper award at SICOT. Prof Xia is also the Director of National External Skeletal Fixation Technique Training Center, Head of External Skeletal Fixation Group, Chinese Medical Association, editorial board member of the Orthopedic Journal of China, vice president of Chinese Ilizarov technique group.

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